Yacht Campaign Side Mission
the zombies and dogz flooded through hot on our tail. Luckily,
Josh found a place for us to hide while the hordes disbursed.
Nick and Ross are not doing well and don't stand a chance of
making to to the yacht without meds not to mention we needed
ammo to fight our way onto our escape vessel. Phil decided that
as the team lead he would take his last ammo and make a supply
run while the others recuperated and tended to our injured.
How we got to this point
Phil and Dong discuss the fallback plan in case Phil isn’t back in 24 hours
Phil slips quietly into a nearby neighborhood in hopes of finding ammo and
medical supplies. Phil encounters no zombies in the first few homes then
jackpot. Phil finds some medical supplies. Now, we just need some ammo.
Phil has found some ammo but not really enough for the charge to the dock
and the dogz around the Yacht. The volume of zombies is growing as Phil
presses on.
Bingo! Phil finds a stash of ammo in a house with a few zombies
After searching about 20 houses, Phil has everything the group needs.
He even found a few cans of food. Phil makes his way back the way
he came successfully killing and dodging the growing number of zombies.
As Phil rejoins the group, he has a nawing thought that this area was lacking
zombies so they are at the dock between them and escape.
What you need to play Supply Run
Risk and Rewards Deck $5 from Two Hour Wargames
A few markers which can be miniatures, pennies, or anything else to denote
zombies, survivors, and your character. Supply Run is a fun and quick
play. You can use option rules to increase the difficulty and even run it
as a co-op game.
Wrap Up
I have played Supply Run many times and have never had the cards and
dice go my way like this run. We are hoping to play the concluding mission
of the Yacht Campaign very soon.
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