

Friday, January 24, 2020

Zombicide: Follow the Clues

“It wasn’t all BS” exclaimed Dan

For weeks the team had been following the hand drawn map Jose had given them. 
The team found Jose bitten and dying but he appreciated the company and kindness
the team showed him. 

Jose said he was a scavenger for a camp that was still functioning and trying to 
assist folks just outside of a hospital the CDC had taken over. He was cornered
by a swarm and his gun jammed. He managed to slide through but got bit in the

“Follow this map. I’ve marked key landmarks and known danger points. Don’t 
let me change...” said Jose
Maggie gave him a nod and toke care of it about an hour latter. 

The team had just cleared a path to the make shift camp so the knew the
situation had gone bad at some point recently.  

Let’s search the area and those tents. Maybe we can pick up some bread crumbs 
to follow. 

We quickly take care of the doors and search both sides. This place must have
fallen recently. Lots of fresh fast zombies!

The team does well keeping the zombies from grouping and quickly searching for
clues to what happened as well as the usual quest for food, weapons, and ammo. 

The zombies are swarming....too much noise. 

Dan and Louise are feeling like they are about to be cutoff. 

Terry gets rushed but hold the gap open for Dan and Louise 

Watch the crawlers!

Maggie, James, and Laurie search the tents

“We gotta get this done”, shouts Dan over the roar of battle

“Found some folders and a brief case marked CDC”, yells Louise. 
“Let’s find a way out and see if we found anything good”, replies Dan

The team steps into the pocket to determine the best way out

“There! We can go between the tents and get outta here”, directs Maggie
The team moves quickly and starts to put distract between them and the zombies. 

Our first go at Rue Morgue was fun and wow nothing tougher than putting out a crawler 
for each 1 rolled along with a kill. The Rue Morgue campaign is moving toward a link up
with our Yacht / Rock Campaign. Thanks for reading, following, and commenting. 


  1. A fun read. Keep them coming. I can’t wait to read about the two groups linking up.

    1. Thanks for the kind comment. We can’t wait for the stories to converge either. It should be epic!

  2. Loved the narrative and the photostory! Please keep it up!

    1. Thanks! We really love the story and game equally. We should have the next episode up soon.
