

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Looking to 2018

Happy New Year!

Instead of looking back at a fairly good gaming year in 2017 despite my poor blogging 
in the last four months let’s look ahead to 2018. 


I hear stirrings of both a LW 4th edition and a Team Yankee league forming very soon.
I hear there will be one game a month instead of two. I hope that is true as that works
better for my ability to play. Here is to hoping my Stukas and Cobras sting the
enemy soon. We are really excited by the release of Tripods and Triplanes coming
later in 2018. 

Board Games

The final Yacht Campaign Mission should happen early in the year and then we
are eager to return to Black Plague. I have also plunged back into Star Wars Imperial 
Assault and X-Wing. Our gaming group plans to get Conan, Ghostbusters, Space Patrol,
and Shadows of Brimstone to the table. Games Workshop looks to be well back in the
mix too. Necromunda, Shadespire, Gorechosen, and Execution Force are definitely in
the queue. 


Playing wargames has us all very excited. We neglected this part of our hobby a bit too
much in 2017. Our list is huge but the top few needing play early in 2018 are Warfighter,
B17 Leader, Nam 65, Combat Commander, Brezhnev’s War, Tricorne, and OST. Sincerely,
the list here is so full of goodness that I need to win the lottery to get caught up. I have 
also stockpiled many solitaire wargames and intend to play one a month and post the 

Card Games

Getting all of our Magic duel decks played is always a goal. We look forward to the Realms 
offering and especially look to bear the HeroRealms quest. Down in Flames and
Modern Naval Battles look to see more table time too as they offer a quick and satisfying 
wargame like fix quickly with little setup. 

Sports Games

(Edit) As Bilbo pointed out in the comments, we are going to get a favorites from years
past back on the table. We have slated a Strat-o-Matic Baseball series, Slap Shot Hockey,
and maybe a few others like SOM Hockey and Sports Illustrated Football! 

Closing 2017

I hope everyone had a great 2017 and all of your 2018 gaming is fun and plentiful!