Warfighter PTO
a learn your enemy game before we build our campaign
Jungle Patrol
We selected the Jungle Patrol mission which gave us 62 RP
to build our Marine force. We selected 2 Player Soldier (PS)
and two squad soldiers. Our patrol had 6 grenades, 3 rifles,
and a BAR.
Our team deploys for jump off
We advance into the Native Gardens and are struck hard by two
stout units. After hard fighting and tossing a few grenades we clear
the garden. We lack good terrain cards so spend a few turns hoping
for something good but in the end to have any hope of succeeding
in our mission we advance onto the beach.
The beach is a brutal fight and even expending all of our remaining
grenades we are barely holding on. One of our Player Soldiers is
on the jump off point trying to deal with Ambushers. After several
turns of back and forth we have eliminated most of the beach forces
as well as the Ambushers. We did lose one of our Squad Soldiers
Time is running out so we decided to risk pressing onto the Native Village
From the frying pan into the fire. We are now strung out and in
trouble. We failed to take out the Kamikaze and in fact didn’t fear
him enough. He ran in a took a Player Soldier out with him in the
Native Garden. The others survived the turn a retires from the mission
We rolled and amazing both Player Soldiers we good to return to duty,
one Squad Soldier was KIA, and the last was a medical discharge
The Japanese were a brutal foe and the terrain was unforgiving.
We definitely accomplished learning more about what we want
in a force. Definitely load up on grenades and canteens. We should
have game one of our campaign up soon.
Warfighter is one of our favorite games and can be enjoyed solo
or cooperative. We greatly appreciate you reading our post and if
so inclined we love comments and follows.