Zombicide: Doug’s Backstory [Zombies!!!]
Before meeting up with you folks? Well, to be honest, I sort of
welcomed the apocalypse. Not many people get to see the jerk
that “downsized” you get munched! Yep. That was a fine day.
I’d just left my old office for the last time and was standing out
on the street. Demoralized. Angry. Worried about the future.
Little did I know the next 30 minutes would clean my slate of
The sirens at both ends of town, fire station and police station,
began blaring at the same time. Hard to hear the screams over

It took me a few looks to buy into the zombie apocalypse. But
when a saw a few shamblers enter my ex-boss’s building, I had
to smile. I decided to make towards the Police Station on the
outskirts of town.
Started to regret that choice as I passed the retail stores. Must
have been easy pickings for the zeds in those places.

It was tough going with only my pocketknife, but fortune favored
me when I was able to quietly loot some much needed upgrades
from the surplus store. The managers dog took a liking to me.
Guess his ex-master must have been a scary Zombie.

One block to go. My brand new semi was a great help in cutting
a path. Dog raced towards a specific zombie up ahead, ignoring
my shouts.

Dog didn’t stand a chance. Too many biters. Well, I cleared the
path to the Police Station.

Lucky choice on my part. Found two officers that had a barricade
set up while running comms to the few remaining officers trying
hard to Protect and Serve.
We hunkered down for two weeks. After the first three days, no calls
We hunkered down for two weeks. After the first three days, no calls
came in. The two officers told me to pick a cruiser, some reloads,
and wished me luck. They headed out hoping to find family before
heading into the country.
There are so many fun zombie games out there and playing out
The backstories of our main survivors in the Yacht Campaign has
let us get those to the table again.