Here’s the brief for your next one. You’ve seen the news of monoliths popping up around the world. We’ve traced these back to the Commies. They’re using these as a distraction while he “real” monolith is brought online. Once operable, it will provide a comm link to one of their black Ops satellites. Ultimate purpose unknown.
Grab the site, collect intel, then blow the station. Wheels up in 30.
The SOG team dropped into the deep jungles of the Amazon, where the Commies had been working, under the guise construction engineers, with locals to erect several hi-tech power stations.
The group pushed into the High Grasses bordering a plateau. A Hired Muscle goon stepped out of the jungle behind the team and shouted an alarm. The team found themselves in the mist of a drug lords hidden crop field, defended by an army ruffians.
The team had faced tougher and quickly began sweeping the enemy from the field. Sgt Burton, Cpl Beck and Cpl Abadi, as the bounding element, leapt forward.

Cpl Beck kept charging deeper into the jungle, pitching a grenade at a group of smugglers. Deep jungle protected most from the blast.

The others pressed forward in the confusion.
The drug runners had practice defending their realm from Federales! The SOF team was caught in an ambush. Vega caught a burst of fire and went down in a heap. Cpl Duchetta also caught a slug but kept moving.
The drug runners had practice defending their realm from Federales! The SOF team was caught in an ambush. Vega caught a burst of fire and went down in a heap. Cpl Duchetta also caught a slug but kept moving.
Cpl Beck, showing why baseball is not big in Europe, pitched his last grenade ineffectively at a Toyota packed with Hostiles.

Sgt Burton took half the squad forward and established a Kill Zone of his own. Time for some playback.

After a ferocious firefight the team turned the tide and consolidated. Sgt Larson caught minor wound stopping a flanking move.

Close to the Objective, the team prepared to entire the ravine leading to the monolith.
Where are all these Hostiles coming from? They are sporting serious firepower.
Where are all these Hostiles coming from? They are sporting serious firepower.
Larson and Burton heaved grenades at the larger concentrations. Shattering Squad and Truck before it’s cargo of Hostiles could off load. Time to descend the ravine and secure the monolith.

WTF! What the hell were the Commies working on? An army of apes launched a shock and awe attack.

Fortunately, having already dealt with many sorts of weirdness, the SOG force recovered quickly and began emptying their mags into the new threat. Grenades seemed ineffective against these strange foes.

Time and ammo were running short. Time to focus and make every shot count.

Bad luck, an ape leaps out of the bush....

Cpl Beck suffers a severe clawing before the ape is dispatched. The team scatters the remaining Hostiles and secures the site long enough to call in a chopper. Time for some R&R....

Another fun game. We won on the last clock turn! The current news stories gave us a tailor made plot line. Our only miss was not working in some “planet of the apes” type Hostiles. Also, Pretty sure it’s time to recruit a PS with the Medic skill! The 203 is a sweet weapon. And one of “us” need new dice for those grenade rolls. Saturday’s dice were HORRIBLE!
WarFighter has proved a great game for us to play over Zoom during the pandemic of 2020. The Three of us each work 2 soldiers. We have one camera on the PS “hands”, and another one on the player mat. Play goes smoothly and has provided us with tons of fun.
Let us know if you have comments or thoughts on the SOG-X theme.
Special thanks to David for his support and quick responses to questions that have come up.
Another fun game. We won on the last clock turn! The current news stories gave us a tailor made plot line. Our only miss was not working in some “planet of the apes” type Hostiles. Also, Pretty sure it’s time to recruit a PS with the Medic skill! The 203 is a sweet weapon. And one of “us” need new dice for those grenade rolls. Saturday’s dice were HORRIBLE!
WarFighter has proved a great game for us to play over Zoom during the pandemic of 2020. The Three of us each work 2 soldiers. We have one camera on the PS “hands”, and another one on the player mat. Play goes smoothly and has provided us with tons of fun.
Let us know if you have comments or thoughts on the SOG-X theme.
Special thanks to David for his support and quick responses to questions that have come up.