The Kaiser’s lads had the initiative, allowing Lt Rommel the opportunity to advance his troops forward. A good initial hand for the Germans, while the French were stymied.
Followed by a timely HMG suppress card.
Followed by a timely HMG suppress card.
Effective fire breaks the French platoon. Lt Rommel presses on (German objective required capturing the objective hexes).

Street Fighting goes well for the Kaiser’s troops.

The German Left flank worked their way up a gulley leading into the town. French Line units prepare to hold the outskirts.
The French decide to break the stalemate, advancing into melee with a good support card, winning the contest on the Left Flank. The German holds no response, and spends time cycling cards.

A few turns latter, flush from the earlier success, another French Line pushes forward and again gets the drop on a German platoon which quickly falls prisoner to the French. The Left Flank is looking solid, time to transfer a platoon back towards the town center.

A Hero of the 3rd Republic arrives and anchors the outskirts, freeing two French platoons for redeployment. The lack of leaders makes this a slow process (initial setup has both French Officers in the town center).

However, it happens too late. German card cycling paid off with 3 turns of constant fires and an Offensive which cleared the center of town.

The French lost on casualties.
A lucky sudden death flip by the Germans gave them another two turns to hammer the French (whose hand became clogged with less than valuable cards).
If the German Sudden Death flip (needed an 8+) had failed, the French would have won on VPs, given their secret objective.
This is a fun game. Early Air Power is near useless. The Suppress is nice, but 3 bombing factors is darn ineffective.
Hand size and discard ability plays large in this game. Especially in the early battles. Many unusable cards passed thru both Armies.
Thought an early win was in the offing when the Germans played a Rout card with 3 French Broken units on the board. Oops. Not going to root folks out of buildings, and it was surprising to read the rules (Oops part 2) learning the the best result would be a retreat. Cohesion is so high, this may never amount to much.
Still learning and getting comfortable with the rules, but very much looking forward to the next play.
A lucky sudden death flip by the Germans gave them another two turns to hammer the French (whose hand became clogged with less than valuable cards).
If the German Sudden Death flip (needed an 8+) had failed, the French would have won on VPs, given their secret objective.
This is a fun game. Early Air Power is near useless. The Suppress is nice, but 3 bombing factors is darn ineffective.
Hand size and discard ability plays large in this game. Especially in the early battles. Many unusable cards passed thru both Armies.
Thought an early win was in the offing when the Germans played a Rout card with 3 French Broken units on the board. Oops. Not going to root folks out of buildings, and it was surprising to read the rules (Oops part 2) learning the the best result would be a retreat. Cohesion is so high, this may never amount to much.
Still learning and getting comfortable with the rules, but very much looking forward to the next play.