

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Zombicide: The Rock

It seemed like forever but in fact it took three days to get
the yacht roped into the tour dock. We spotted a few zombies
and no living as we approached the mooring. The last effort
took Otis, Ned, Doug, and Phil swimming a line in to tie off
and slowly over several hours get the yacht close enough to
drop the plank. 

Amy walked over to a bulletin posted on a sign. “Uh guys,
not good news. This notice states tours will end March 1st. 
Alcatraz will resume active prison status as the civil situation
is deteriorating in the Bay Area.”

The team is glad to be on land but it’s a blow that it doesn’t 
seem like we came to a deserted paradise. We are low on ammo
but gather what we have and move toward the prison to find the
machine and repair shop. 
Let’s go to work

The team has gotten to within a few blocks of the prison entrance. 
It seems quiet so hopefully the police cars hold some treasures. 

Amy checks police car one.....Zombie!

With Josh and Ned covering her Wanda inspects car two. 
Zombie! Ok, our luck can’t be this bad. Doug moves to check
A room for the a badge card for the prison and Wanda moves in
and covers the search. 


The commotion has caused zombies to start filling the exercise
yard. The streets are filling with zombies in both prisoner and
police gear. It must have gotten ugly here quick. More than 
likely an infected guard, prisoner, or heck an infected tourist 
hidden on the island. 

The team works with urgency to find a key or key card while staying 
quiet so that Wanda can lead the abomination the long way around. 
Phil and Doug try to escape path open. 

The abomination pummels the car as it pursues the team. It wants
to destroy!

Amy finds the wardens apartment and strikes gold. A set of keys
labeled and a key card. She signals josh and he understands. He
will lead the group of zombies away so Amy can slip out. 

Josh and Ned have left Amy a manageable escape route but the
other half of the team is getting cut off. 

Amy make her move to link up with the team as the make their 
play to break the zombie envelopment. 

Through sheer will, determination, and luck the team regroups
just ahead of the horrific horde. 

The exercise yard continues to fill. 

Ned, Josh, and Doug try to thin the persuit as the other hack around
the side alley. 

We punched through and now it’s a mad dash to the prison entrance. 
As we run, we pour everything we have into the exercise yard to
thin the build up of zombies. 

We are in and the key works!

Josh joins the team as we pull the security door closed ahead of 
the growing hordes. 

The team inventories their weapons and ammo. They can hear noises
of the undead in the prison but at least they’ve got a secure room 
to take a quick breathe. 

Once again this was an exceptional game of Zombicide. Several times 
the teams fate road on a die roll or two. The early discovery of the
Abomination seemed bad but really worked better than finding it later
between the team and it’s goal. We used the stand alone Prison box set
 other than using our original base team. Thanks for reading our story. 
The next episode should be played and posted soon. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

All Good Things....

“Hey Phil! Ned says it’s no go on repairing the engine again.”

“I guess 3 isn’t a charm. Damn this overpriced yacht. She’s been great up until now.”

“Lets rig some kind of sail and see if we can make the coast near San Francisco. 

Maybe we can hop another ride there. Have Josh and Phil rig up some sails. 

Doug, find stuff we can use for rope and cables.”

We were running low on food stuffs anyway. Hopefully we can make it to the coast 

before the water runs out. No engine. No water purification.

After 4 days, we sight the golden gate. Amy and Wanda snap a few selfies!?

“Otis, did you say you did contract maintenance for tours to the Rock when you 

got out of the service?”

“Roger that. But it was a lifetime, 2 office jobs, and 50+ zeds ago.”

“Did they keep any gear for patching the tour boats should they have problems 

while docked on the Rock?”

“Yep. But pretty limited. Major stuff was brought over by the next tour boat. 

Still, I see where you’re headed. Could work.”

“If we’re lucky, no tours were stranded on the Rock, and it’ll be deserted.”

So it was decided. We make for Alcatraz.......

The Road so far

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

We are excited to continue our epic campaign. Look forward to the next

episode very soon. Thanks for stopping by and reading our tease. 

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Team Yankee Soviets versus Marines

Team Yankee Soviets vs Marines

We played a demo game at one of our area stores that supports 
Team Yankee. Our goal is to get new players involved and lay
groundwork for an upcoming league. 

Our list focused on tanks and air as they are attention grabbers. 
The game occurred about six weeks back but I still wanted to get
our pictures posted. 

A combined force of US Marines and Army square off against the 
Soviet horde. 

Cobras ready to hit the Soviets

M60s engage the right flank

Soviets ready to defend the autobahn overpass or strike across it

The forces parry across the autobahn 

Harriers meet their end in an ill fated and poorly timed run at the BMPs

All of the USA scattered reserved entered on the right early and the left
the Abrams holding the left as a ripe target for the Hinds

The Hinds strike hard while the Soviet Infantry advances

The Cobras destroy the Hind threat and desperately try and hold the objective 
with one VADS and the commander M60

A desperate counterattack in the middle to save the objective on the left

Lots of burning wrecks on both sides

A last second dash toward the objective on the right into the teeth of 
the defenses meets with destruction 


The game ended in a solid Soviet victory. Yet another fast food joint falls
during the invasion of Germany. We had a great demo game with both of
us having fun and a few folks watching here and there. I appreciate games 
with Ken who plays the right way. I have enjoyed every FoW and Team
Yankee game we’ve played. We appreciate the visits, comments, and follows 

Friday, April 20, 2018

Patrol Z - Warfighter WW2

Warfighter WW2 - Patrol Z

It is 1945 and our mission is to capture some nefarious German scientist named 
Albrecht  Schmidt. Sergeant DeLay would lead the mission. Corporals Scanlan and 
Taylor were also going. Along with two new replacements, private Roble and 
private Owens

We came out of the fields into a cratered forest. We heard strange noises. We were 
suddenlyattacked by some strange looking German SS. 8 rifleman. Sergeant DeLay 
used his sub gun and grenades to mow down these attackers. Private Roble using his 
M1 shot down more attackers which came wandering across the field. We inspected 
the bodies and had to report that they  looked like they had been dead for months. 

On the other side of the crater we came into a pasture. We stumbled upon a platoon of 
weird looking troops. Corporal Scanlan opened up with his BAR and began mowing 
down the  officers and troops armed with flamethrowers. Roble and DeLay took out the 
remaining rifleman and ambushers.

Clearing the open pasture, as we approached a wooded area, snipers opened up on us. 
They nailed PVT Owens before we could hit the deck.


After we clobbered the snipers and cleared  the woods, we ascended to the high ground. 
There we were attacked by storm troopers with flamethrowers and machine guns. DeLay 
called in mortar support. Using his sub gun he destroyed the storm troopers while the 
mortars took out the machine gun nest. But not before the machine gun nest had cut 
down PVT Roble.

From the hilltop we could see the village where the doctor was holding up. The place was 
crawling with unarmed zombies led by Commander Z. Commander Z was truly a super 
soldier and took everything we had to kill him. These must have been recently zombified, 
as they withstood several well aimed attacks before toppling over.


The three remaining squad members, entered the village and searched for the doctor. 
But he was nowhere to be found. What we did find horrified us. Some insane laboratory 
of smashed beakers, burnt rooms, and torched remains. HQ would want a serious debrief on 
this place. And we would want replacements with bigger guns.....



The Zombie deck is a really tough opponent. The Nazi Zombies have high cover and

are fearless which is a brutal combo. Thanks DVG for giving us fun options like this 

in so many of your games. We look forward to the Japanese and German Supernatural 

deck in Warfighter WW2 Pacific. We appreciate your visit, comments, and follows. 

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Get to the Yacht!

Get to the Yacht! The conclusion of the Yacht Campaign 

The Road So Far

It has been a hard week since the return to the 

hideout for the group of hardened survivors. 

Both of the teammates rescued had succumbed 

to their wounds but at the least they had been 

among friends and not zombie bait. Phil and Doug

have decided the best path is still to make a last ditch 

assault on the docks in hopes of gathering enough 

supplies and taking the yacht to sea. There are lots 

of islands and raiding opportunities up and down 

the coast. Modern day Zombie Apocalypse Vikings, 

now that is a great team objective!

The team enters the dock area and surveys road ahead

Music can be heard in the distance

The area has suffered lots of damage since our last run

A zombie surprises Ned while looking for food

Amy has the same luck!

Doug dispatches a fattie

Phil breaks the barricade into the house separating the 

Team from the dock

Phil discovers Otis. He survived the last group that

Attacked the docks. It did not go well. The music playing 

is from a police car used to draw the zombies away.

It worked too well and the group was over run!


Josh and Amy hold the intersection while Doug

gathers a last few supplies

Zombies are still swarming to the police car

The team makes its move. Wanda checks the car partially

hanging over the water and finds a good weapon.

The group makes the yacht and the main deck appears 

sparsely populated.

More zombies appear

Otis is surprised and wounded!

Josh, Phil, and Doug hold the plank even as dogz 

charge and zombies crawl out of the water.

The lower deck is overrun with zombies!

No one is watching the backdoor!


The team rushes down stairs with a flurry

of destruction

Wanda, Amy, Doug, and Ned look to secure the plank

Hearing the onslaught approaching they move to meet

them head on. While Ned, Phil, and Josh move to ascend

to the upper level in order to get the yacht started.


Abomination! Luckily Josh had a Molotov prepped for 

just this occasion.

The yacht is secure!

Phil, Amy, and Doug get back on board and start 

destroying the plank.

We made it the boat is actually moving away

from the dock.



Five of the survivors suffered wound during this mission.

We decided each member who suffered a wound would

make a survival check. Roll a d6 for each wound and 

on a 5 or 6 the player was a goner. Amazingly, everyone

survived with no fudging! 





WOW! This was an amazing fan made campaign

that we really enjoyed. In the conclusion of the 

Mission 1 post you can find the details of where

to find the material. We look forward to using the

yacht as a base and seeing where the campaign

takes us next! Zombicide never disappoints. We were

really lucky on searches and found the required food, water,

and rice quickly. Early on, we also came up with the bottle

and gas needed for the Molotov. We suffered more wounds

this mission than any other in the campaign. Thanks to Otis

for taking his share!


We really appreciate you reading our blog. If you feel like it

please leave a comment and give us a follow.