to plan and lead. She considers this team family after all the have survived.
“Ok, one more time. We get to the control room and open the exterior door
then everyone but Josh heads out. Josh will let us back in when we signal.
Everyone got it?”, asked Wanda. The team nodded and they were ready. If
the notes they found were correct they should find the replacement parts needed
to use the machine shop again. With the machine shop and salvage they can
get the yacht ready to explore across the bay. They had seen signals from the
coast which were now much less frequent but it had been clear they had been
SOS messages sent by flashlight and mirror.
The team smashes open the path to the control room
With the door open Wanda moves quickly before the zombies can swarm
Doug and Ned notice that opening the front door clearly opened an interior
door too.
The zombies are coming quicker than planned
The prison zombies coming from the rear are endangering the plan

Wanda makes a stand on the pimp car!

Amy links up with Wanda while Phil decides to stay with Josh. Doug and Ned
will join the effort to gather the items outside the front entrance.
“Time to improvise, Amy you and me will go get the last items. Doug and Ned cover
us and keep our retreat path clear” shouted Wanda above the mayhem.
Phil and Josh keep the area clear

Wanda and Amy head toward the block of offices

Zombies are closing from all sides. Amy and Wanda prep to crash the offices while
Ned and Doug work hard at holding the egress open.
Wanda and Amy are forced to escape the other way after grabbing the prize

Doug holds the entrance and Ned takes on the runners

Get those doors open!!!
Ned uses the concrete saw on the Abomination
Amy decides to put our Molotov Cocktail to good use destroying a large part of the
remaining zombies on The Rock

“I feel like I just ran The Rock 10k”, mussed Wanda as she looked through books, notes,
and items they had gathered today. The team was very excited to have survived and
set the table to get the yacht ready to explore the area. As the team sat around decompressing,
Wanda interrupted the small talk,”you’ll never believe what’s in the notebook I scooped
up in the offices says”.
“The secrets of time travel”, joked Josh
“No but almost as good. These notes say the hospital across the bay had a cure they
were about to test!” exclaimed Wanda.
“I guess we know where we are going as soon as we make our repairs”, said Phil
“Looks like we have a hospital to checkout before we look for the source of those
signals we’ve spotted”, added Doug.
Zombicide once again provided a tense close run game. We were lucky to find good
gear quickly. Until next time....Old School Gamers Out