

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Hobbit Saga - LotR LCG

In recognition of JRR Tolkien’s birthday we launched into the Hobbit
Saga adventure. The adventure contained several challenges and had
some fun moments.

Bilbo set off with the company of dwarves. Thorin Oakenshield, Gloin, 
and Nori in one group. Gimli, Thalin and Ori in the other. 

Our Adventurers were merrily trooping along until they bumbled into Bert.
We enjoy surprises, so having not really paid much attention to the Sack
cards, we had a good laugh as their now obvious use and meaning surfaced.
Bert scooped up Thorin Oakenshield and the party burst into action.

After clobbering an ally, Gandalf hit the table and set up Gimli to deliver the
finishing blow to Bert.

Our threat levels were creeping up fast, and with Gandalf out of one hand,
this “Troll party” began to spiral out of control!

Tom swoops in and Sacks Bilbo. Time to read the fine text. We quickly travel
to a site location allowing Bilbo to burgle his way out of his sack. Next turn he’ll
free Thorin. 

Then William shows up and we are forced to absorb more threat levels. Over
the next three cycles, with the help of another Gandalf, we manage to set Gimli
up to first take out Tom and then William. 

We were fortunate, in that we wanted to visit the locations Tolkien’s story traveled
through. Bilbo and Thorin’s party had successfully explored the Troll cave.
We didn’t realize how cool that was until....

We are now all set for the next stage. We hope to get that to the table soon.

For Anyone wanting a fun refresher on the Hobbit tale, we really enjoy the
1977 Bass & Rankin program with Orson Bean and John Huston.


  1. Hey!
    I made it onto your gaming table. Watch out for goblins, spiders, and angry elves!

    1. You did great too!
      LotR LCG is our go to for a good Fantasy fix.
      It’s also great Co-Op or solitaire.
